CUPE 2419 is currently at the bargaining table with the University of Regina to negotiate a new collective agreement. Our current agreement concluded in 2016 and we haven’t seen any pay increases for two years! Our bargaining committee consists of members of our local executive who work with our national CUPE staff representative.
Our proposals at the bargaining table include protecting the role of seniority, significant wage increases, a tuition waiver, student health benefits rebate, and more.
University Proposals- it is proposing to freeze our wages for three years and then offer a paltry 0.5% increase for two years.
CUPE 2419 along with Regina Public Interest Research Group (RPIRG) is planning a rally under the theme of FREEZE TUITION, NOT WAGES! to take place at 12.00pm Wednesday, November 21 in the AdHum Pit. We need our members to promote the rally to students, faculty, and organizations and clubs on campus
The power of our union is that we do the work that makes teaching and research possible on campus. We have power in numbers when we unite with a common goal. We need our members to stay informed and get engaged to make gains at bargaining table.
To ask questions or get involved, email us at